Monday, September 27, 2010

Music and Marijuana Use Among Teens

The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine study  in the journal Addiction says that teenagers who often listen to music that contains references to marijuana are more likely to use the drug than their counterparts with less exposure to such lyrics. “Interestingly, we also found that exposure to marijuana in music was not associated with other high-risk behaviors, such as excessive alcohol consumption. This suggests that there is a real link between the marijuana lyrics and marijuana use,” said Dr. Primack on
Dr.Primack makes a good point in saying that although alot of exposure to marijuana related music may cause people to smoke pot it could also be that those who smoke pot maybe seeking out to listen to music with lyrics related to marijuana.
Either way these studies help people come up with more effective programs on drug education, "media literacy programs may help young people more accurately analyze and evaluate the marijuana-related messages they are likely to hear in popular music.” says Dr. Primack.

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